Kerry Music Education Partnership (KMEP) is a performance music education partnership initiative for Co. Kerry. KMEP comprises a number of partners and agencies including Kerry Education and Training Board (lead agency), Kerry County Council, the Institute of Technology, Tralee, Kerry Diocesan Youth Service (KDYS), Ealain na Gaeltachta and a number of local music educators and youth organisations.
KMEP oversees the delivery of the Take Note Music Project, the aim of which is to broaden access to affordable, multi-genre music performance and education programmes for children and young people. It is a self-financing project which is made possible thanks to the continued commitment and support of all the project partners.
Take Note Music Project objectives:
• Provide affordable, multi-genre tuition
• Widen geographical access
• Expand and develop choral music initiatives
• Provide access to instruments
• Provide performance opportunities for children and young people within the community
• Improve employment, training and CPD opportunities for music teachers